The SquashWise Team
May 1, 2022

Rev. Al and I are so excited about this Episode, coming to the World on this celebratory day of May 1, 2022. It's Rally Day which is the Baltimore SquashWise signature fundraiser – we can't think of a better day to push this one out. SquashWise is a local non profit that teaches the game of Squash to inner city kids that would otherwise more than likely never see a Squash Court.

SquashWise Partners with children and families to advance equity in Squash, education and personal opportunities. We are joined by our biggest group yet, Sage Platt, Chair of the Board, Co-Founder and Executive Director Abby Marcoe, Chair of the Capital Campaign, Doug Hoffberger and the ever impressive Abisola an 11th grader at Poly who has been a part of SquashWise for several years. Abisola speaks to the lessons and opportunities that have come her way since becoming a part of the SquashWise Family. It's another great episode where we learn about this incredible program, Abosola teaches Rev Al the finer points of the game of Squash, we get an update on their recent purchase of the Greyhound Building, our former bus terminal, and their plans to turn it into a permanent home for their program. It opens its doors to the Greater Baltimore Community to bring Squash to anyone that has an interest.

Thanks to everyone for an awesome talk about this incredible program, Abisola. You are an amazing young woman, thank you for all of your words about SquashWise. I am so proud of so many of my friends – especially those here with us today – for all of their hard work to make this real and change peoples lives.

The Great Dr. Rev. Al Hathaway (He's Holy) and Martin G. Knott Jr (I'm Knott) bring forward special guests to talk about amazing things that are happening throughout the great city of Baltimore. We will be operating without a net and talking about everything under the sun. Who can stop what must arrive now, something new is waiting to be born!