John Brothers
March 31, 2022

Sharing the Sugar!

What a great pleasure it was to crack open the John Brothers shell and get a look inside of this incredible community minded gentlemen.

John takes us back to his early days of organizing as a 16 year old in Minneapolis, encouraged by his mother to stand up for "Miss Andi" this early catalytic event helped shape John's views for his journey from a case worker to an entreprenuer and most recently here in Baltimore as the President of the T. Rowe Price Foundation.  We go back to his early years in Baltimore where Friday afternoon run in's with "Farmer Chippy", and many others opened his mind to possibilities of community based work  by actively listening to the citizens on the ground.

In that spirit have a listen and learn from a listening Master.

The Great Dr. Rev. Al Hathaway (He's Holy) and Martin G. Knott Jr (I'm Knott) bring forward special guests to talk about amazing things that are happening throughout the great city of Baltimore. We will be operating without a net and talking about everything under the sun. Who can stop what must arrive now, something new is waiting to be born!